For many businesses, regardless of size, the cost of acquiring and maintaining software is a massive drain on their finances. Fortunately, they can leverage Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Read on to learn how your business can save money with SaaS.
What is SaaS, and what does Software-as-a-Service even mean?
Just a few years ago, the main way for computer users to get software was to either buy a physical CD or download the software from the internet.
Here’s how SaaS can benefit your business

How to pick the best cloud service model for your business

There is an overwhelming number of cloud computing services today, so how should you go about selecting the right one for your business? In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of cloud computing service models, their benefits, and some factors to consider when choosing one for your business.
The 3 primary cloud service models and how they differ
The many benefits of cloud computing enable businesses to easily manage workloads, obtain valuable insights from massive amounts of data, and gain a competitive advantage. But with the many different types of cloud services available, cloud adoption can become overwhelming.
Why your business should get SaaS-y
Businesses these days need different kinds of software to streamline and improve their operations. However, a lot of small businesses can’t readily afford these software. But there is a way to harness the power of such software without draining your resources.